>Spain is all beaches, tapas, paella, bull retarded cruelty and sunny daysOh boy, it's sad when the public perception of an entire country gets degraded to a caricature of two of its regions. As an example of how different from those stereotypes some regions can be:
http://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/33447177/#q33449124And we really have some unique species too, anyone who's actually interested in our biodiversity can make a quick search and see for himself.
Also, what's up with the exorbitant hate? I mean, nothing I wasn't expecting since the stupid "hint" are two colors in a jacket, except all threads have been 90% hate what the hell.
I assume latinbros are still mad about the stolen gold?
I actually hope this is just retards blowing out of proportion the anime shit and GF does not make a region based on Spain, because I actually see them going just for the 4-6 stereotypes that came from the 10% of the country, fuck that shit.