What is Pokenchi? Read this info guide:
https://forums.serebii.net/threads/pok%C3%A9nchi-gathering-in-the-pokemon-house-discussion-thread.646717/ THEME SONG:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Eh4djMATM Today:
>To Celebrate the Release of the New Video Games, Everyone Attempts a Fossil Excavation Game, Pokénchi Style!! / Project PochamaToday's guests: Youtubers Fuwachan and Hajime Syacho
Stream at:
http://ok.ru/videoembed/3210353647220 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke6oAYDuiGQ >To celebrate the release of the new video games, everyone attempts a fossil excavation game, Pokénchi style! Even the Pochama that drops by gets super excited over the unexpected discoveries?!>Also Project Pochama >Summary:>Fuwachan and Hajime Syacho visit, bringing cute souvenirs as gifts! The costume the energetic Fuwachan says she's prepared especially for today is abolutely amazing! The entire house is bustling with activity over this long-awaited reunion! There'll also be a performance of a Pochama dance with sharp movements! Look forward to it.