Quoted By:
Last Week-
>At a restaurant, waiting on some ribs
>Pull out X, why the fuck not?
>Not connected to wifi, but my switch is on and this one guy is showin up on my Passersby list
>Challenge random diner to battle
>Challenge accepted
>Fuck yeah, six on six doubles
>Using a MegaMawile+LOLegendaries team because I'm a massive faggot
>This guy reams me with a Drought team
>From across the restaurant, I hear this kid exclaim 'YES!' before his parents shush him.
>tfw beaten by a mere child, this is how Giovanni musta felt
>Try to hide embarrassment, close DS, attempt to nonchalantly slip it into pocket
>Too late, pretty waitress is here with ribs
>She has witnessed my shameful loss
I'll never get to show her my Reuniclus now