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For random play online:
You and your opponent switch teams after pokemon selection and order selection.
Sinnoh Battle Arcade style roulette, but it can't inflict Burn/Poison/Paralysis/Sleep/Freeze. Instead, it can cause permanent weathers (that can still be temp altered, but return to the roulette weather after their duration ends), permanent terrains (Electric, Fairy, Grass, and the Pledge combo terrains), or battle-long causing normal confusion/infatuation/taunt/torment/heal block/embargo/trapped upon switch-in. (only one of these is chosen by roulette, but that one is applied to all pokemon upon switch-in for that battle(regardless of gender for infatuation)(these can be snapped out of or wear off as normal moves that cause them, if they would wear off))
For some kind of tournament play:
Emerald Battle Factory style in a way, where you can choose to exchange your team with your most recent defeated opponent's, before seeing your opponent's available pokemon.