>You aren't entitled to the exact game you want. Other gamers exists with different tastes and preferences. We shouldn't be unreasonable with our expectations.It is true that the consumer is not entitled to a good game. It's not like Game Freak is lying to us (as far as we know) or giving us a broken mess (as far as we know).
But as consumers it's only fair that we expect a quality product. While it's true that some of the critics have been very caustic and nasty, most of us are just doing what a good consumer should do: voice their concerns to help producers improve on their product. If a developer produces an inadequate game, they have no good reason to expect a satisfying return on it.
Considering that Game Freak has already made the leap to 3D, and SwSh doesn't seem to have any noticeable leaps when it comes to Pokemon models and animations, I think it's fair to be skeptical about whether or not SwSh is up to standard.
>>39707208I have no expectations for /vp/. If my pisspost helps chill things out, then at least I can be pleasantly surprised and quietly stroke my dick (figuratively). If it doesn't, whatever.