>>34987017Type:Null was created by Faba to fight Ultra Beast. It was Gladion the one who felt identified with it because it was a pokemon "tailored to do his mother's will" just like how he was being molded to his mother's liking and freed one. In SM he frees one to find a way to undo the effects of the helmet and stop Lusamine's plan, in USUM he also frees one to find a way to undo the effects of the helmet, but rather because he was traumatized due to Mohn's disappereance and wanted to become stronger to protect Lillie and Lusamine.
And there's one Aether employee who questions putting pokemon in cryogenic state after giving you items, but she's actually talking of Lusamine's collection. She put her pokemon in crygenic state to preserve them and their beauty after they died, it seems. The threeType:Null had to be put in that state likely until they came up with a plan because they were impossible to control and too violent, nobody really questioned that.
So between using it to stop Lusamine, to protect his family, and originally created to fight Ultra Beasts which are a big threat I don't think Type:Null is actually framed a geniunely bad thing like Mewtwo was, who was created as nothing but a killing machine with no compassion and had horrible experiments done to it and in side-media it was made a project funded by Team Rocket just so a few evil people could have a weapon impossible to surpass, or Genesect who was funded by Team Plasma for the same purpose. His mounstrous appereance is justified by the mix of DNA it has because they used many samples in hopes of it being able to change type in the same way Arceus does, and Type:Null as Silvally is a good dog to Gladion. Meanwhile both Mewtwo and Genesect never really stopped being unremediable monsters and presented as anything but a mistake except in side-media.