>>12433280>First of all, boxers vary in size, but I would still flip a shit if I saw a fully-grown lion or rabbit sized boxer, which is the degree to which the anime gets it wrong.I thought you were talking about Hitmonchan type boxers for the longest time. You probably mean dogs, right?
>Secondly, the cartoon isn't going to be super realistic and use the equivalent of real-life variation. Thirdly, the anime exists to show kids what the pokemon are like. They wouldn't go out of their way to make a pokemon a different size if they didn't make note of it for some plot point. It's a fucking TV show--things are all perfect in orderly in those. I don't see your point.
>Fourthly, the anime shows every member of a species consistently, which is direct empirical evidence against your theory.>pic related>I mean, even in the pic you responded to, the 3 dunsparce are all coincidentally tinier than average by the exact same magnitude.Babies, born around the same time? I don't know the context of the episode.