>>50278936Haven’t seen one of these in awhile
>At school>XY are right around the corner>I’m at least on good terms with everyone in my grade but know no one who’s into Pokémon >get into detention for being late (fuck charter schools)>about a dozen kids there>Teacher has us in her room while she goes to a meeting.>Told us to be quiet so the principal doesn’t come in but doesn’t care beyond that.>Desks are in pairs so people are talking with whoever they’re seated with>Don’t know the kid I’m with too well but sat him since we have mutual friends >Make awkward small talk until he mentions that he’s excited for a new game>Says me too and asks which one>He says XY >Spend the next hour talking about new Pokémon, Megas, story, and theories. >Dude shows me his W2 PC and gives admittedly autistic yet sweet backstories for his Pokémon >Give him my number once we head out >Become good friends over the next few years long after our mutual friends drifted apart>Battle each other after every Gym in ORAS and plan teams together for a fight in the post game (we were getting into competitive at the time)>My Mega Blaziken technically beat his Mega Sceptile but fainted due to Flare Blitze recoil so we count it as a tie Still one of my most cherished memories. We don’t talk as much nowadays but will never forget you, Mike.