Looks like it's just that time in the run where I turn into a retard. I underrestimated that cooltrainer fight in the little hidden part of route 34, thinking my newly evolved Nidoqueen with Thunderpunch could sweep it for good XP. She couldn't and obviously got very hurt by water attacks. Ended up losing Fokker the Pidgeotto trying to get myself out of the hole I dug. Tried adding the latest Don the Machop as replacement but he blew up just before I finished levelling him. Finally I filled the slot with Warhead the Magnemite because I needed something for the water routes. Not really happy about how many overlapping types I have on the team now though.
Also turns out I didn't need the standard evolution items for Steelix and Slowking because the randomizer doesn't use them for their changed evos for some reason. Luckily I did get a waterstone from a trainer over the phone while grinding for a Metal Coat to evolve Slowpoke.
Simple the Slowking nearly died to Chuck because of hypnosis shenanigans, but 2 psychic types and a Nidoqueen made it a breeze otherwise. The rocket hideout was even easier.
>>54996984Ace trainers are hellspawn.
>>54996887Confusion not fucking you over at every opportunity? What is this? Isn't an electric type always useful to have though? Who are you replacing him with?
>>54996868What gen are you playing? Graveler sweeps in gen 2. Otherwise Magnemite and Nidorino should be able to pull through.
>>54994297Damn that's nice. Chandelure is a top tier shiny.
>>54992229Yeah I get that. BW2 are probably my favourite games in the series so the longer I play BW the more I feel like getting to BW2. Good luck finishing your run either way.