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>Tanking my rank 1-4 so that I can more easily run jank Pokémon that I've always wanted to use in Ultra League Premier Classic before it's gone for good (specifically Lickilicky and Shadow Armaldo)
>Mfw the team is corebroken constantly because my only decent Pokémon for ULPC is Swampert and everyone at the bottom that knows how to do GBL uses CMP Swampert, Venusaur or Vaporeon
When are they ever gonna buff Rock Blast, or at least Struggle Bug? After basically 4 years, the only fossils worth using competitively are Bastiodon and Aurorus. Omastar, Aerodactyl, Cradily, Carracosta and Tyrantrum have their niches, or at least cups where they can do something useful, plus Rampardos is a monster in raids, but my two favorite fossilmons Archeops and Armaldo are pretty much completely useless (the Wing Attack buff "helps" but not enough to make it usable as a Wing Attacker, let alone in Master League).
If they're not gonna buff Ancient Power, they should at least buff Rock Blast or these fossilmons specifically. To also rope in Kabutops, I have no idea why Water Pulse is still such a shit move; water-types that get it over Aqua Tail become unusable.