OKAY. the nightmare is finally over, and I can stop checking the battle institutes, and promise to myself to never do this again.
Whoever is pic related, I finally came through with your request only about, according to
>>18664447 , a whole month later, shit.
My bad. But now I have something ready.
7 Tangela
>All female>Bold nature (+Def - Atk)>Hidden Power Fire, with 31/30/31/30/31/30 spreads each>All have Regenerator (HA)>They are inside Friend Balls (which is illegal with HA, fyi)>They have Giga Drain / Amnesia / Leech Seed / Leaf StormIf you want one, reply to this post with your in game name and put a luvdisc up requesting a 1-10 tangela.
1000% unrelated, battle maison is complete ass and whoever put that fissure/sheer cold walrein needs a beating.
>>19011288get noticed, and get online pls