Quoted By:
>be in 7-8th grade
>Playing emerald version
>same thing as in the OP happens
>questioned by some fag about what I liked to play
>"I dunno, a lot of stuff"
>"Ahh like what Pokemon?"
>"Yeah thats something I play"
>call them fags that enjoy shitty games like Halo 3 GTA and shit.
And this is back when CoD4 was really big
>Keep bugging me and shit a few weeks later
>same kid and 2 others follow me after school
>asks what Im gonna do when I get home
>"Play some video games and goto bball practice I guess"
>"Oh, let me see what games you got!"
>he grabs my bag and tries to yank it off me
>turn and grab his arm and slam him into the street
>pick his manlet ass up and run him into a tree
>he drops, screaming
>one of his friends goes running to his house
>other grabs my backpack
>chase after him and catch him after he fails to jump a fence with my backpack
>use pack like a boulder and drop it on his head
>forehead bleeding, bloody nose
>get to basketball practice, first kid mentioned is on the team
>"Well guys looks like anon couldn't make it in today, something about his allergies being really bad"
And nothing of value was lost