>>50295457>be playing good ol ruby>making my way through victory road caves>suddenly a shiny hiryama>shits ugly but lets just...>realize I have only like 1 ultra ball in bags because I stopped catching to grind my team up for e4>well lets just weaken it anyway, one ultra should be ezpz>get him down to low orange health, dont want to risk hitting it again>throw ultra ball>it breaks free instantly>sadly stare at its fat green ass for a few minuets before continuing grindfast forward
>be playing around with gameshark on platinum>catching other trainers poke's like an actualy competent rocket grunt>suddenly shinny gold geodude appears>oh fuck I didnt have any shiny cheats enabled, its legit>catch it and box it for later>only a few days later be running around doing like egg hatching or something cant remember>another shiny fucking geodude appears>why the fuck not? catch it too>same cart a few months later>be messing around near victory road trying to catch rare lategame mons>a shiny fucking GRAVELER appearsffs im not sure if the gameshark just sneakily upped the shiny chance, but that cart slowly became corrupted anyway and I had to reset it.