everyone. i have some bad news.. look at this:
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/4/44/Alain_Mega_Charizard_X_Dragon_Claw.pngi.. i just can't do this anymore.
i've been an ash supporter since october of 2013, when he jumped off the tower and saved garchomp.. but this is just.. t.. too much.
i just can't take the risk. i'm s-so sorry, but... this is the end. i wish it wasn't, but... but i just knew it was too good to be.. true. this is the end of XY.
i used to be an ash supporter, but after this... it looks like i'm h... hard for... zard.
i'm now r-r-re-ready for.. alo.. la.....