>>39126801>What this series needs is a Breath of the Wild style re-imagining,So going back to its roots?
Do you know that breath of the wild is gameplay wise not much different from the original?
You are basically asking for Kanto with all the Pokémon.
If you mean an an OPEN WORLD ARPG then you are just a complete idiot that thinks making all games strip their originality to follow the sandbox gold rush that dried up a decade ago somehow makes game better.
I want you to think of the good game franchises that transitioned to open world then stagnated a bit in a sea of fetch quests and a map full of red pointers, well now I want you to think that for every successful open world franchise there where 20 that failed and betrayed their core audience.
Pokémon like monster hunter is a turn based RPG to it's core, the design philosophy you are asking for betrays it.
I can already think of a jap stabbing someone in Gamefreak just like the dragon quest fans went full uproar when their series tried to shift to ARPG.
Most of us want to play Pokémon, not Skyrim or xenoblade with licensed Pokémon skins.
I want you to think of blizzard and how it's merging forming ActiBlizzard made the devs betray their donut archetype, once the donut loses it's hole it becomes a thing no one wants to buy, you are the guy that wants to fill that hole with things that contradict the core gameplay, people like you are what's killing Pokémon.