READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW: Forum: Current Demo of the Game: now we need: >Region details & Mapping (Tile updates needed!) >Sprites (QC, pokemon overworlds, trainers) >All the rest of the dex info
If you have constructive ideas for revisions, post them. If you're going to complain, don't; ideas are only as good as the person willing to execute them. If you're working on maps, music, programs or art, please continue!
TO REMEMBER: >The region is based off of South and Central America, but not everything needs to be Latin American in nature. >Yes, we are making this a game, and we're using RPG Maker to do it. >Check the wiki!!! it has the answer to 90% of new questions >We have art for the entire dex, this image just only shows whats been Sugi'd (check the wiki!) >Spriters make original sprites! no copying GF or sizing down art! >We are not adding Fairy Type or Mega Evolutions. >We are really trying to capture the spirit of pokemon games. We want to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for any pokemon player.
Clash's Art Folder( threads: