>>45313423Based Xatu and Archeops, but for the life of me I can't understand liking Obstagoon. Non-Galarian Linoone is one of my top 5 Normal types though.
>>45313614Excellent taste all around. Golurk is underrated, and I had a hard time not putting Trevenant on my own list.
>>45313761Kudos for such eclectic tastes, also nice to see NFE Pokemon appreciated; Helipoptile is 2kyoot. Also nice to see someone remembered Banette.
>>45313850Too legendary-heavy for my tastes. Starmie tho, not a usual pick, so very nice.
>>45313887Another eclectic mix, respect. I always felt Leavanny was underappreciated. Also Glaceon is great and overhated. Also, another Banette poster. You guys still in Halloween mode or something?