>ByronChoice Spec'd Octiraid sweep.
I decided to skip the Lake shenanigans to go to Candice.
>CandiceZongzor one shot Snover with it's Flash Cannon. Candice then Immediately sent out
>Abomasnow.It used Swagger, but Zongzor didn't hit itself to hit for 75% damage. Sitrus brought it up to 30%ish left. My natural luck kicked in and Aboma connected Grass Whistle. I sent out Shinray so I could heal, but Woodhammer did too much. So I sent the sleeping Zong back in who woke up immediately and killed Aboma (Aboma swagger'd twice).
Sneasel got one shot by Zongzor and Dreamagius killed Medicham. Now I'm going to do some Galactic shit and finally evolve Dreamagius.
>>50560683>also what is my luck catching 3 womenNot surprising, Morb is a fucking aphrodisiac. You'll SWIM in bitches. It's the Morbius way.
>>50559406Taillow on Brawly should really be a sweep on paper. Machop's defenses are dog shit and Maku isn't that scary either.
>>50560903Congrats dude!