>>51013844My very first stupid child team consisted of a level 80+ Graveler and a bunch of shitmon. I boxed my starter as a Wartortle after Misty and never bothered evolving it. Graveler was just much stronger, and being able to clutch its way through Starmie with selfdestruct despite the type disadvantage whereas Wartortle otherwise just gets walled endeared it to me. Someone eventually told me about its evolution and helped me evolve it.
My first "full" team was in Emerald. I believe I used Blaziken, Gardevoir, Shedinja, Flygon, Absol and Rayquaza. I used several others too but that was probably the E4 team.
Nowadays I tend to go for obscure shitmon in each
game.to spice things up. I box starters pretty much every time.