Part 54: + Directory: are Calem, the ambiguously-aged 15-16 year old boy from Vaniville Town, and your head really hurts. In fact, it's been hurting so much that the headaches you're getting are keeping you from being in tip-top shape for the upcoming gym battle you're having soon at the Anistar City gym. . .with whoever the gym leader is.
Dramatic irony aside, as it stands it'd be quite unhealthy to live the life of a boy with constant headaches. Thus, in order to relieve this, you've made a grand decision in venturing out to the local Costco for a most splendorous expenditure. Surely some junk food is all the cure you need.
Serena has decided to accompany you in this quest for restocking the mini-fridge inventory, she's been weeping more often lately, sometimes in the middle of the night when you least expect it. It keeps you from going to sleep, she says she can't explain it. None the less, you're assuming it's because of all that monthly reporter stress she gets, there's simply no other explanation for it. She's also a bit less emotionless, still a melancholic robot at times but not much as before.
That you can't really explain.