>>47858392Guardia is another mon that really makes a nice capstone for the "line's story". I like to imagine it's a Marowak that has managed to calm it's vengeance and angst, and put it towards helping other mons. I wanted it to be a side-grade mon though, so I gave it a different ability (which just prevents Stress, a new status that halves Sp. Attack), and it wouldn't be able to get the bonus from Thick Club. Alola Marowak's design I thought would be fun to use in a side-quest dedicated to that fabled Marowak Graveyard.
Sultung is such a fun design! I like to imagine that these were Pokemon that were around before people really knew what "pokemon" were, and just considered them strange monsters or beasts. I could imagine these creatures serving as royal taste testers along the silk road! Originally it was Normal/Water, but that typing I felt was a bit odd which gameplay wise didn't synergize well, and I had changed a Normal/Psychic mon's typing later one. Thankfully I could just imagine a tiny lore tweak would make the typing work well here! It's ability "Slobber" is intended to add a 1-stage speed reduction to any contact moves it uses.
Wrapunzel and Cudzu were fantastic names, and props to the anons here who came up with them. And props to the designs, these designs were fantastic.
>>47858393Good eye! Some of the English Pokemon names I didn't care for, so I renamed them! Pursian is admittedly one I'm not sold on myself and I go back and forth on. Goldeen here though is a better example, since it is not gold, and Seaking does not live in the sea. So I went with its JP names. For Shirasry here, it's another babymon, but it's blue like some fish fry are, to mimic that weird pale-ness.