>>29914661Question for you guys, how would u go about traing this gym?
>resources are not a problem/consideration a) find and scroll to 6 shit mons low enough to halve the caterpie, repeat 4 times, 500 × 400= 2k
b) find 6 sub 843 grass/electric mons, for a whopping 550, repeat 4 times for 2.2k
c) find 2 sub 1k grass/electric mons and redundant 4 watermons for 50+250+500, × 3 = 2400
d) find 2-3 sub 843 grass/electric mons and 3-4 water mons for a more reasonable 1050, repeat twice = 2.1k
Normally, I'd shoot to halve 2 mons and live with 1k a go. My problem is i dont hoard many good low cp grass or electric mons. Doing c) is easy but maybe a mandatory waste of time imo.
a) and b) would take too long, most of the time would be scrolling and not worth it a bit.
d) would take a while because i dont have more than 1 electric mon sub 840 that's named for training. I'd have to name some shitty glooms/magnets/picachus only to have the gym not be there
Fuck everyone who adds a sub 2k vaporeon to a gym. Put in shit or something higher than 2.2k or 2.4k for dragonites and gyarados.