>>47872839Here it is Anon! I hope you'll enjoy it!
https://files ( . ) catbox ( . ) moe / y1xbwy.ods
There's lots of extra stuff in the document, such as other Pokemon that made the cut (Ones I thought thematically fit the older gens, via design or lore, fulfilled a gameplay niche needed, etc), and forms based off of other media, such as forms from mainline games, the anime, or so one.
>>47869824The issue I had with it is that the design I wasn't big on, but I don't really know what I could do with it. It doesn't really scream any unique typing or ability.
>>47873348Thank you! Those always bugged me too! I also had changed Steel to Metal, and Fighting to Combat! I thought Fighting was one of the weirdest type names, since it doesn't really convey the idea of the type well, and the verb just seems awkward. I also considered Martial as the new type name but I think I like Combat more. It also means one less F-named type, making abbreviating it easier.
Flying was a type I considered renaming to Aero (Air isn't really the theme of the type, flight is), but if I did that I think I'd feel inclined to turn all the dual types into mono types (Like Pidgeot to pure Aero), and that level of type overhaul I wasn't entirely on board with.
For Animon, what really would there be to do with it? I'm open to ideas, but I just can't think of anything to do with it but make it a collector mon. Imposter Ditto is pretty much as good as the concept can get, and I don't think the idea of making it add a Metal type to whatever it transforms into would be possible, but that's the idea for it I hear the most. One idea could be have it so it turns into a more normal mon, losing the ability to transform, and is just a pure Metal type or something, normal moveset stats and all. But would that really be interesting to do to Ditto?
>>47873558Really nice dex entry! Writing the lore, both for older Pokemon and these new ones is one of the most exciting parts!