Quoted By:
>2005 or so
>well before those retarded creepypastas like lavender town syndrome turned creepy Pokémon stuff into a punchline
>missed out on gen 1 because too young/poor at the time
>now owned LeafGreen
>aware it was a remake of Red/Blue
>was curious how it compared to RBY which previously I had only seen glimpses of
>YouTube wasn’t popular yet and I didn’t understand emulation
>look up Pokémon fan websites to see screenshots of gen 1
>one site shows this sprite, enlarged to take up most of the screen
>freak the fuck out, call my mom into the room to click it off
>have nightmares about white-eyed ghosts with creepy dangling fingers
>later on get actual used copy of Red
>fucking terrified of seeing this sprite again in Pokémon tower
>at least until seeing how non-threatening it looked on a tiny game boy screen
Was I the only kid retarded enough to have gotten so freaked out over a generic ghost sprite from Pokémon?