>>34483234Update time, bitches.
So I get through the forest no problems, aside from helping a ditzy cosplayer who got lost in the woods and, on the first trainer battle in Route 34, my boy ToothACHE evolves, with some flair and a grin. On that same route I see a clearing and some growling, and get there in time to see a Machoke get downed by some owls. She was feisty, a real champ in the making, so I decided to recruit Machick to our cause. She's a bit odd, with some quirks, but I can see she likes having friends.
I wax all the trainers there and reach the biggest hurdle in Johto.....Whitney. That bitch was going down, and to that end I grinded the whole team to 22. Turns out I needn't have worried. Made that bitch cry; bitches love crying.
Up on Route 35 I tried my hardest to avoid trainers for later grinding, but fuck me RNG was not on my side. On the grass I meet Doormat, a little fuckface that latched onto my clothes and just wouldn't let go. I had to capture it just to get it off. He can help warm the benches for now.
Now, armed with the Squirtbottle, I march to the National Park and that weird tree that's blocking my path.