>tfw no new dex models for pokémon not available in alola>>29901172good taste
>>29903108cute stuff, spheal a best
>>29903689nice to see someone else who likes Kyurem-B, and Zard-Y is the only acceptable Zard, but fuck Gengar and the frog
>>29904241ew, your favorite is my least favorite, guess we're not made to be friends
Stufful, Hydreigon and Hitmonchan are great picks at least
>>29904396neat taste, lots of Feraligatr fans here
>>29904567lots of cuties here too
>>29904872okay taste, Slowking best Slowmon though
>>29905321not a really big fan of any of those except Flygon, decent taste but nothing outstanding
>>29905386great taste, could be buddies
shit I didn't think there were that many posters before me