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>Intermediate All-Rounder
Passive: Again, no description, but a meter under its health indicates it has 5 stages corresponding to movement speed. Maybe its autos deal more damage with each stage? It looks like Rapidash occasionally gains a shield and Unstoppable with 2+ speed stages, lasting until the shield is broken, which is insane lmao
>Lvl 1 + 3 Confusion + Tackle
Confusion: dmg AoE around horse, buffs your speed if it hits an enemy
Tackle: sure hit dash that slows enemy
>Lvl 5 Dazzling Gleam or Fairy Wind
Dazzling Gleam: It's Hecarim's Q if you've played League. Big dmg AoE that can be cast while moving. Might also slow enemies? Doesn't have a description yet.
Fairy Wind: Sort of like Tsar Triple Axel but with 3 individual casts. The move deals damage in an area after a short dash, and can be recast twice. The third cast will stun enemies in the area and deals additional damage based on Rapidash's current movement speed.
>Lvl 7 Smart Strike or Agility
Smart Strike: Sure-Hit dash that stuns the enemy. Rapidash ends up behind the enemy as well.
Agility: Self-buff that grants movement speed, and grants even more speed the longer Rapidash has it. You can extend the buff's duration simply by moving, as well as by hitting opponents with moves.
>Unite Move: ???
Dash in a direction, shoving enemies. At the end of the charge, a huge triangular field will be placed around the first enemy hit by the charge, trapping them within the triangle (like Mean Look). Rapidash can recast the move to dash again. If the recast dash runs through any part of the triangle, it can be recast a third and final time.