Haven't had much opportunity to play this week, and late game feels kinda slow sometimes. It appears Kanto has finally struck back the moment I get back into it though. Brock and Erika were no problem, but Sabrina was more of a threat than I anticipated. I gave Blackjack a Focus Sash (thanks mom) so he could take a hit and hopefully one-shot Espeon and I didn't want Misdreavous getting hurt by shadow ball because I neededd her to take out the rest of Sabrina's team. Turns out he couldn't, so I switched to Clubs who got critted by Espeon on the turn I started Petal Dance. I could do nothing but watch my starter get slaughtered. It really sucks to lose him this late in the game and I wish I had been better prepared somehow.
I've put Crisscross the Electabuzz in my team for now, but I'm not sure if I'll actually grind him up. I can't get the Electirizer until Cerulean Cave and grinding to this level is going to be a real pain. I might choose another 'mon, or (more likely) just leave it at the current team and maybe bring Ditto along for the fight against Red.
>>45013328Late reply, but to be completely honest Lickilicky is somewhat of a weakest link at the moment. He carries his weight but he isn't very consistent in his usefulness. Only having moves with a chance of missing doesn't help either. Seeing his silly face is good for my mood though.
>>45033870Looks like SwSh is just a bit more dangerous than I thought, especially the end game.
>>45034721Team's looking pretty cool already, if a bit poison heavy. Luckily you have a long way to go before Sabrina makes that an issue.
>>45034933Loving the Sigilyph and Volcarona. The run is looking pretty great so far.