>>37378761Dude, RF are my favorite games ever, and even I think you can't use them as an example of why romance would work in Pokèmon. The RF protagonists are 20-something adults, and building your own family is a major point (and actually a plot point in some) of the games that's been there from the very beginning. It's not some optional little side bit that got added on later for the "mature fans" like everyone is saying it would be for Pokèmon.
Here's the thing, romance elements are absolutely unnecessary for Pokèmon games. If they got implemented, they'd have to be so subtle and out of the way (think BW2) that in the end it doesn't really matter if they're there or not. They would never be what you want them to be. In this case, you're genuinely better off just playing a game that has it included as a core part of the experience. In the first place there would be no need to whine about not being able to date underage characters in a childrens monster collecting games if you guys would just play something that actually panders to you, instead of trying to force a game to basically change it's genre because you grew up and got thirsty. You're on the same level as tumblr SJW's throwing a shit fit every single year when a new Harvest Moon (rated 3+) doesn't have homosexual marriage and an option to choose a trans character: because that's not who the games are primarily made for, and including those elements could possibly alienate the core audience.
Then again my fucking fault for expecting anything from this god forsaken place and the people who post here.