>The NeutralThe type chart additions and changes feel...arbitrary. I didn't think they were intrusive and were kept to mostly a minimum, but I question their relevance.
Aether as a type was refreshingly not the common balancenigger type that's strong vs every good type / weak to every bad one and slapped on everywhere. But it's still pretty weak, so again, not sure what the point was there.
Using actual EO locations, names and even taking some characters from EO3 directly (Olympia, Abyssal God) is...odd. I get the feeling I as an EOfag am supposed to be basedfacing when I see that, but it just comes off as a bit offputting.
This also leads into the story, which I thought was...serviceable. It's a lot more wordy, character-filled, and edgy than the typical EO, which I don't think works in its favor (I assume it's the MiA influence). It's also just strictly worse than EO3's story, which it rips off heavily. But, it's fine.
>The BadThis game's relation with grinding is pretty fucking terrible. The grinding house is just not very good, and even the Chansey lady later is very slow as well. I think the exp gain formula is fucked due to the perma exp share. So, while I want to and am encouraged to train up new shit, that's not actually feasible.
But the worst shit is the EVs. Vitamins/Power items for EVs is a good idea, it's executed like shit here. You need 39000 to max out one stat's EVs, that's 78k for the whole mon, and you don't get that kind of money without macro-ing off the fountain for hours.
Again, this really pushes you into basically just making one team. Maybe this would be fine if it were easy, but Hard mode is not, and often necessitated swapping out team members.
Really should have just stuck to either making the fights straight up hard with no need to grind, or giving it a lot more leniency.
Very reminiscent of Ashen Frost, and while it's not that bad, it's definitely really annoying.
>>55853073probably talk about it next post