>>38216649>can we take a moment to notice how even at the end of BW's lifespan they continued printing cards like this in the rare & holorare slot>Uses Plasma Escavalier as an example.What you're describing is rarity-bumping and it's done to pad out international sets, Plasma Escavalier was an uncommon card in Japan's Megalo Cannon set.
>>38217953>TPC doesn't care>TPCThe entity responsible for card design is Pokemon Card Laboratory, a subsidiary of Creatures Inc., also...
>PCL doesn't care about what non-Japanese competitive autismo manchildren want.Fixed that for ya, everyone knows who's the real villain in this scenario.
>>38218641>>38218686>People are getting THIS upset over an IRL person getting a TCG card.Are people suddenly blind to Imakuni's presence in the TCG? Also, this card isn't present in our Detective Pikachu set so that means it's going to be a promo.
>>38218724I play IRL and I've been trying to get into tournaments, but I'm missing a few cards for my
Pikarom/Zapdos deck and, once Unbroken Bonds comes out, my
Blacephalon deck.
>>38220546Ampharos GX was useless when it came out in Japan, so what made you think it'd suddenly be useful when it came internationally?