Sadly I'm stuck with a bunch of babies since none of them evolve before the cap. Throh will have to do the heavy lifting against Clay, though Deerling/Ducklett might help a little. I don't have high hopes for Deerling. This is my first time using Zebstrika though and it's really good. Early Fire/Electric coverage is incredible and it might get worse from here on out but it's at least useful for Skyla and Volt Switch shenanigans.
>>41610440I'm proud of my nicknames and I still use themes. It's fine, especially if you do a lot of runs.
>>41611137Unlucky. Tropius would've been very useful for Wake. At least you have Gardevoir which is easily at least A-tier. I think you get Thunderbolt at this point in the game too so it's not too bad. I should play Renegade Plat again some time, because I hate myself.
Where'd you get Sealeo, fishing in Mt. Coronet?
>>41611778>>41611803Is Insurgence a fun game in general? Garchomp/Scizor are both S-tier so you should be able to recover from this unless you run into more random legendaries.
>>41613112Blessed but only if they're both on the team.
>>41614169Are you the waterlocke anon? Don't forget you can still get Starmie and Kingdra, which are both fantastic.