>>24806383I've legit lost every single pokemon link battle in my life. For me, pokemon was always about collecting, rather than battling.
I only truly understood how significant the combat was by gen 4. IE: don't bother hitting tentacruel with thunderbolt, rather use thunder fang because high special defense.
And when i came back to try and beat the battle frontier in emerald, i truly understood what strategy and training meant. Funny story about that actually.
I wanted to use bro pokemon and ev train them along the way, fighting only specific trainers and swapping out for different stat gains. It took like half a year on and off training but i finally got them ready.
And then surprise surprise, no matter how hard i trained and practiced against the different strategies, they just weren't strong enough. Blaziken, Ludicolo, Armaldo, Linoone, Claydol and Skarmory was my team.
I built them around the best overall coverage against the frontier brains and the challenges. IE: linoone pickup was good for pyramid, skarmory with toxic was good for stall as a physical wall, etc.
But even still, i had to ditch linoone, claydol and armaldo because they just underperformed. I ended up having to throw in Latios, Metagross and Salamence because i'm a faggot and can't into strategy.
In the end i eventually got all silver symbols, but i still miss my old team. In the end it depends how sentimental you are. To each their own i guess, but some people play this game because they're lonely.
pic related. at that point half my bros were swapped out.