It's a shitty way of trying to deflect criticism away from the product because they think of children as being retards who can't think critically under any circumstance.
Same shit happens with television, movies, books, etc etc etc. If it's marketed towards children you aren't allowed to criticize it because obviously kids can't tell the difference between good things and bad things, and obviously kids don't deserve to enjoy good things either.
Funny thing is Pokemon isn't even a game made specifically for children, like this Anon said
>>39210530 it's made for all ages to enjoy.
Essentially if someone calls you a manchild and tries to say Pokemon is made for kids so why should you care about the quality, they're retarded and they can't come up with an actual argument.
That's the common trend with all of these GameFreak defense force shitheads, all of their arguments are either completely subjective to themselves or stuff that's just plain wrong with some ad hominem sprinkled in. I have not seen a SINGLE fucking argument supporting GameFreak's decision that was in anyway objective, and if it tried to be it was immediately debunked by shit we can all physically see and have been told by GameFreak themselves.
But hey, obviously you're an entitled incel manchild retard tranny faggot buzzword buzzword buzzword if you don't like the fact that we're getting a game that's removed half of the fucking reasons to play it for 20 extra buckaroos, straight from Masuda's asshole.