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If I wanted to make something like a Rain team, but instead of using Swift Swim Kingdra I used Swift Swim Lumineon cause Lumineon is muh bro, I would win less often because Lumineon is hopelessly eclipsed by Kingdra in every conceivable fashion. It has lower bulk, offenses, no secondary STAB, and its higher speed is redundant. Using it is simply gimping myself for no reason.
It doesn't matter what I do. No matter how skillfully I use Lumineon, I can do the same with Kingdra and do better in every situation.
So no serious player is going to use Lumineon. Or most Swift Swimmers, for that matter. But despite Kingdra being arguably the best Swift Swimer, many other have unique traits that mean they work better on many teams. Ludicolo has the grass STAB and fighting coverage. Seismitoad can check electrics and has fighting and poison coverage. Kabutops is physical and can boost. These pokemon don't outclass each other, and despite one being considered generally the best, it's not going to make it on every rain team, because some of those teams need traits offered by the other swimmers. This is a point that gets missed by a lot of karenfags when they allude to Pachirisu.
This isn't the case for swimmers like Lumineon, Seaking, Golduck, Armaldo, etc. Some are directly outclassed, others have unique traits but are still highly unappealing. They don't have a place on a serious team, they don't have a niche, and it doesn't matter how well you use them: you'll get better results with something else. You're not being more skilled by using them, you're just handicapping yourself.
This logic applies to pretty much every other pokemon in every other role. Some things are just bad and don't have any place on the team of someone who's playing to win.