And then there's of course Perrin
>hot art hoe showing her sexy tummy and wearing skintight jeans>one of the first things she does is ask if she can take a photo of you>if you say "Yes" she's like "wow are you always this open with strangers? I like your vibes">after you catch 150 mons she says "you really must be something special" >to wait for a foggy night to appear you sleep together with her in a TINY tent barely big enough for two people to lay next to each. This possibility took place over the course of several DAYS>before she leaves she gives you a H Growlithe, saying that they live in pairs and that it'll cross her Growlithe's path some day again and says "until next time"Imagine the sex in that tent....
>>54871493Based. I could've sworn I have an image like that but
maybe I'm thinking of something I saw in one of the doujins I bought.