A Redditor got a seven day ban for submitting a stop on Wayfarer, he sent Niantic and email asking why he was banned, they then moved him up to a thirty day ban, he then asked again and they permanently banned him. This is a day one player who has never spoofed.
https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/12iujb6/pok%C3%A9mon_go_account_terminated_due_to_wayfarer/https://twitter.com/Wrang1her/status/1644834491259580417?s=20In the reddit comments you can see a user named Kevinnc saying that his discord saw his Wayfarer submission and reported him for abuse. He unironically got banned because discord trannies who do it for free got angry that his submission wasn't good enough.
Niantroon shills, defend this.