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How many more years do we have to wait before Pokemon moves past this "2007" visual aesthetic? Pic related showcases the difference between DLC for a 2015 indie game vs. DLC for a 2019 "AAA" game. It's disgusting. I'm not gonna lie, today's Pokemon trailer was actually pretty hype, and it got me fairly excited to the point that I considered buying the game... however, when I saw the ingame footage, it looked like utter crap which completely destroyed every little bit of short-lived excitement I once had. How can you people get hyped over something that looks like a mobile game ffs? If the Wild Area in the base game is any indication, the framerate will also be a stuttery mess in these DLC zones. Not to mention the dynamic resolution will further hamstring the visual presentation. So, basically, a stuttering, blurry, window to view assets straight out of 2007; that is what this DLC promises. It's 2020 and with a price tag of $90 + tax I expect a bit more from such a premiere franchise as Pokemon. And before you say it, no, I'm not a PC, Xbox, or Playstation fanboy. Admittedly those platforms do provide some pretty beautiful gaming experiences, but in terms of gameplay, I get bored to death. Nintendo franchises, including Pokemon, have gameplay that is far more interesting to me personally (well, with the exception of the brain-dead level of difficulty in their more recent fare).
Why is it that there seems to only be three options nowadays:
>Shitty games with good graphics
>Good games with shitty graphics
>Shitty games with shitty graphics