The first three were all great rivals, Tyson was maybe a little cringy in places with his special snowflake Meowth but overall bros.
Tobias was extremely dissatisfying (especially with that bullshit about his Darkrai surviving a STAB supereffective FUCKING GUTS Megahorn from Ash's Heracross), but still just about believable because in the anime, legendaries are supposed to be off-the-charts powerful, way more so than the games.
Alain, too, was a competent trainer, and the rest of the fight was mostly very good though the Charizard vs. Greninja matchup will go down in history as one of the most blatantly bullshit results ever conceived.
But Cameron. Fucking CAMERON. Was an incompetent ass who brought five pokemon to a league match, who had a Riolu that was basically performing on the level of your average Lucario and THEN evolved halfway through its match and wiped the floor with the rest of Ash's team for no discernable reason. What makes him the worst is that he didn't deserve any of his wins and he was a thoroughly annoying character besides who used up tons of screen time.