Worldbuilding counts as OC right? Fantasy religions are super fun to write and I’m going all-in on it for my setting, and I especially want to explore how mythology changes over time. Pokémon mythology always felt super unorganic because it’s unrealistic that those myths where always completely accurate to the “real” thing, and because they’ve somehow remained unchanged despite so much time passing.
I know I’m complaining about lore in a children’s game but nobody’s gonna stop me. >>44274424Fav boy OC’s are Murdoch because of the lore attached with it, I’ve got a big soft spot for Juno. I also like Narou for being unapologetically edgy but not in a serious way.
Fav girl OC is Bell for the Drifter-B dichotomy and Anon’s artstyle. Margret from MedleyAnon also has a color scheme I really like. Star’s also very cute.