>>35120447Blue went to Route 5 as soon as she woke up. There, she caught Cameron (the Chikorita), added her to the team and laughed really hard in front of a small kid who wanted an Articuno for her Exploud. She crossed the underground and got to Route 6. There, she caught Madison (the Wingull) and talked to the fisherman to get a rod. Before she could get a fish, she caught Charlie (the Pichu) - I guess it really liked fish. She went on to Diglett Cave and caught Gemma (the NidoranF) and to Route 11, where she caught Trini (the Slakoth). After that, she healed up and went on training her team. A trainer had a Combusken and another had a Electabuzz, and both needed the help of every team member to get defeated. She cleared route 11, healed at the PokéCenter and called it a day.