>>46864153It's mostly dumb shit that leads to nothing except to jerk off the characters, I'm still not sure what the whole point of Bladestar was but hopefully they're fucking gone. Anyway, if you haven't done it yet, go dive around the route to the east of Teila Resort (where the Aquamarine or whatever cave is). Inside the cave dive spot is an obnoxious current puzzle that you can only complete by diving from around the Kyogre room at the volcano where the lavadunks happened. Around the route, you can eventually find a place called the 'Archive', not sure if you need to complete the puzzle in the cave to open it. Inside is a fuckhuge loredom from the ancinet Garufa wizards/tecnhomages. In summary
The 'Interceptor', the seemingly godlike being the player character is, might be one of their creations, and has to be within wifi range of the planet's core
The fuckhuge tower that pops out of the desert near the end of the current chapter is a part of the core and probably has something to do with unleashing your superpowers
You have a limited number of lives since every death damages the core
Spacea and Tiempa were a result of the Garufas experimenting with the Archetype, the magic mcguffin that Arceus transformed itself into
Melia and co having blonde hair is because they were touched by the archetype, which makes them look like that, but if they lose their powers they go back to their regular appearance.Because "Maria"'s (99.9999% an alt timeline Melia) mother is stated to have black hair when you find the hospital records, and Madame X can briefly be seen with black hair when her mask is damaged, combined with the above info Madame X is 99.99% yet another Melia.