>>11754799"Fear not, audience. This man means little to no harm, he has just explained to me in a polite manner , with a generous smile I might add, that he requires, oh say, a "small" fee of dollars to get back up on his feet. Apparently because of his economic concerns, that suddenly rationalizes this heinous crime. Furthermore, I am expected to believe such a thing and not question it. Because I have yet to fall for his deviant tricks, I have been subjected to this cruel man's tricks unless I pay him the money he "deserves"."
Sir Raven turns to the criminal in the ski mask, who clearly has the shape of a Scrafty. The Scrafty in question turns to the camera, a cheesy grin on his face. It is here that the audience can see he has a few gold teeth in his mouth. He nods to confirm what the bird has said, and then goes back to holding him hostage in front of the audience.
"However, as malevolent as this scenario is, I can tell you that it is quite ironic to today's story. A man who believes he has nothing when he blatantly does have some source of wealth, whether physical or not, goes to all lengths to obtain what he believes he rightfully deserves, when in actuality he has no right to the commoner's prize."
Sir Raven crosses his legs, "Tonight's story brings you a similar tale, except drawn out in a way that doesn't make you question my fate, as I am not in it at all. Rather, today's story stars a man who has lived his entire life in puddle of misery, desperately living out his days in the modern world, searching for some way to escape, some way, any way."
The bird continues even as the Scrafty cocks the gun, "It is a story laced with woe, drama, and a bit of sappy romance. A story entitled, 'A Summer's Rendezvous'".
Sir Raven turns back to his captor, who is still present, intentions having not phased, "Now if you ladies and gentlemen will excuse me, I have an execution to attend to."
The screen fades out, our friend is left to an unknown fate.