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I appreciate your concern (it really is us) but I've been coming on here since '04 and there's no way I'm missing this shitshow.
I genuinely do miss Squishy and I realise I probably will never see her again but I did not expect this whole thing to blow up to over 1 million views/comments/likes/shares/whatever. I've met some lovely people in the meantime who have gifted me a shiny 'nene, a Pachirisu, an Emolga and other adorable electric rodent Pokémon to name after my adorable gerbils past and present. I was also able to make a little 8 year old girl in America very happy as she's always dreamed of having a Dedenne of her own and I trained up an old Squishy offspring for her to help her with her trials in Sun.
To the others, congratulations asshats, you've spent hours of your time trying to make a grown adult woman cry thinking I was some little shitstain kid. I've loved every single post and insult you've hurled my way and my husband and I have curled up on the couch with better entertainment than an unlimited Bob Ross inspired rape-porn subscription. Thank you.