Why is 4chan the only place online we're allowed to post or talk about lewd pokegirls?
Anonymous No.34984207 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Like outside of actual hentai/porn sites, this is the only place online where we're able to post pics or talk about lewd aspects of pokegirls. Anywhere else online you bring up the concepts of pokegirls being attractive, posting suggestive art, etc. you either get banned or told "stop sexualizing minors" or "stop looking at animated girls and look at real women."
Like before /vp/ existed how did people post or talk about lewd pokegirls or post fanart outside of actual hentai/porn sites? It's looked down upon on virtually every other forums, social media place, etc. I've seen.
Is it wrong to sexualize pokegirls? Even in the images that ages them up to older teens or adults? You pretty much get looked down upon or banned if you do this anywhere else.