>>41284767>>41285744Here is the outline I wrote:
Mischevious teenage boy obtains magic powder and begins sprinkling it on random things in his environment. After he sprinkles it on a chicken (Cucco) in a woman's house it turns into a woman. She can speak, but she still clucks from time to time. She remembers him as a mischevious boy who liked to tease and chase her and her friends. Uncomfortable with her new body she asks the boy to turn her back into a chicken. He says that she should at least see what it is like being a human/hylian first and then decide later. She agrees and they wonder the village together, eventually going to the tavern to eat supper. There the pair are served roast chicken but, seeing how awkward this is, they both loose their appetites and eat something else. As the Cucco Girl finds all this rather overwhelming the boy takes her back to his cabin outside of town so she can rest. It rains and they stay cooped up but after the rain stops she wants to peck around the yard for worms... thanksfully the boy stops her.