>>50275641>Gen8BDSPOUBDSP Metagames is really weird. I have never seen a playerbase so disdainful toward and averse to stall as these shitters.
Despite being relatively uncommon, one might say rare, in all of BDSP's tiers right on down to PU, stall is consistently the top ladder teams and easy as fuck to net wins with.
There are only like two "hard counters" to stall in bdspou: Crawdaunt and Nidoking. I've also seen Nasty Plot Lucario threaten a tear but that's a later trend. But the vast majority of offense and balance teams do not run these. So most players frequently lose to stall.
But despite that, most people do not run it, at all. It's been virtually nonexistent in the lower tiers in terms of number of players using it since January. People just don't find it fun to play against and so it's earned a reputation of dishonor to run it. It's a bit hypocritical though, since most players still run quite a few stall mons (e.g. Clefable, Heatran, Milotic) in their non-stall teams even while they bitch about stall. They'd go so far as to call Bulky Offense teams, like using Snorlax and Suicune, stall. It was that serious.
But if you were a stall hater, you would find yourself in a sort of paradise in like company if you had played these metagames while they were still active.