I feel like these 3 units always get asked about with dupes so heres a rundown if anyone cares to see
>SS Elesa1/5 breathtaking refresh already available
2/5 start with + 2 evasion
3/5 Ridicure heal when dodging (combine with the + 2 evasion at start from 2/5 grid)
>Sabrina 1/5 Sixth Sense refresh already unlocked
2/5 Critical squad (dire hit all +)
3/5 Reflect + Speed
>Serena1/5 Sleepbot
2/5 S.T extra damage on trapped targets
3/5 More damage on trap/sleep + impervious(dauntless but all stats)
>>44686026I agree with this
>>44686024What a lad. Grats Dawnbro