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This is my team so far.
Part 16.
My Gabite evolves into a Garchomp while grinding and I'm ready to take on Volkner. First I use Roserade to set up Toxic Spikes so that all of his pokemon can be poisoned, then Roserade restores her health with Giga Drain and takes out Jolteon, Volkner then sends out Luxray, Electivire and Raichu in that order poisoning them all, Gastrodon takes out Luxray with a Mud Bomb, Garchomp uses Dig to take out his ace Electivire and Raichu gets taken out a Magmortar using Lava Plume. Non of his pokemon went down in a single hit but I beat him and it was a little bit easier than I expected. Now I've got all gym badges and it's time for me to take on victory road.
Any advice for Victory Road? I know there are some tough battles.