Holy mother of SOVL.
>>57311367Yesterday one of the /v/ mods was samefagging on a thread and acciddentally gave himself away, so yeah they're definitely apping out on their own to an extent.
Ah noted.
>>57311379That's rough, I say do it, it technically becomes a Fire type so screw it.
>>57311400I have a soft spot for Duelist of the Roses and some of the older Yugioh games but I'm not sure, I'm super broke right now due to still lacking a job, been months and still no calls or communication.
>>57311415I only go to /v/ to see the absolute shitshow threads that pop up due to some of the insanely retarded shit that's been happening recently, that and surprisingly a Top Gear thread popped up on /v/ thanks to Ymfah and it was one of the best threads I've seen on 4chan in ages, the absolute autism nearly killed my throat from laughing for hours on end.